Its true…


I am a trainer and nutrition coach.  I virtually train people across the nation and I build booties across Los Angeles!  I workout daily and I focus on my nutrition…but despite all that…it is true……I have cellulite.  

I’m a real person with real problem areas and you know what - I’M NOW OK WITH THAT!  After trying for years (at an unhealthy level, mind you) to achieve the “desired look,” I wound up unhappy with myself and not satisfied with my progress.  What I discovered from this emotionally grueling process is that since I wasn’t happy with who I was at the start of my weight loss journey, there was no shot I would be happy with myself when I reached the ideal number on the scale. I needed to get right with myself before I gave the scale any more power.  The number on the scale doesn’t reflect WHO I am!  

It is my professional opinion that our perceived and deranged image of “perfection” has completely contaminated our ability to grow and shine as individuals.  The sheer amount of comparison that flows through our verbiage and manipulates our ideal “image” of ourselves has created incredible damage.  When we have unrealistic and distorted views of what we SHOULD look like instead of what we DO look like, we stop celebrating who we are.  And we don’t stop at OUR bodies!  We idolize celebrity bodies saying, “Oh I wish I had her thighs.”  But the second she shows her REAL body we criticize and tear her apart.  Comments fly about the cellulite that has been magnified for our viewing judgment in the magazine aisle.  Do we really think that is going to make us feel better about the cellulite we have on our own thighs? And for the record 98% of women have cellulite.  Let’s face it — its real and it’s here to stay.  Let’s get over it already! 

I was looking around my gym the other day and was fascinated to see that no two people looked the same!  Every single woman in the gym had a different look.  Seriously not one part of our bodies looked similar!  This visual slap in the face was so amazing!  Its time to stop comparing ourselves to the girl next to us and start celebrating our OWN bodies.  I’ve hated my thighs for YEARS…well since I’m being honest the real number is probably 20 years!  And I’ve given myself hell for them.  Why?  Why did I care so much?  I’m pretty sure no one judges me as a person based on the size of my legs?  And if they did, do I really want that person in my life?  These legs have crossed finish lines and danced in shows.  These legs have biked hundreds of miles and allow me to hike to see great views.  So for all those years of thigh bashing I’m spending all of 2015 giving compliments to my thighs!  I have to make up for lost time!  

I’m sure all of you reading this have been in my shoes.  And I hope this has struck a cord in you and you feel like you can give yourself a break from the body bashing sessions!  Don’t let a few dimples define who you are!  You are an incredibly unique and beautiful person that needs to be celebrated for all your gifts!  Genetics are what they are!  Let’s embrace our imperfections and start building up ourselves and the beautiful people around us! 

I will end with this…Weight is all relative and the number on the scale is not an indicator of your worth.  Health is a journey — there is no end point.     The center of every action we take toward our nutrition and exercise should be self-love.  Let us change our language of why we workout and eat right!  Let us all take the pain and stress out of diet and exercise and do what is good for our bodies because we want a better relationship with our bodies.  Let us silence the voice of comparison and amplify the voice of celebration.  Let us compliment our bodies.  Let us be happy with our bodies. We’ve got one shot in this one body…let’s make it shine!


When I think of New Year’s Resolutions I think of these GRAND ideas, dreams, goals that will change my life!  Getting a house, making a certain income, losing “x” amount of weight, etc.  Sometimes these goals are so huge and I put so much pressure o…

When I think of New Year’s Resolutions I think of these GRAND ideas, dreams, goals that will change my life!  Getting a house, making a certain income, losing “x” amount of weight, etc.  Sometimes these goals are so huge and I put so much pressure on them that I set myself up for failure.  

Have you ever felt like that?  You put so much pressure on achieving the goal right away that when it doesn’t happen by February you just say “ah well - I guess that wasn’t meant to be.”  Or you say “well someday it will happen.”  We give all of our power away to “someday” within a few short weeks.  The problem with that is we didn’t even give it a chance to succeed.  We didn’t work at it long enough to feel the beneficial swing of momentum help us along.  

So what now?  Have I totally depressed you and made you want to give up on your resolutions already?  I hope not!  I told you that because I wanted to open your eyes to one of the most common patterns when it comes to resolutions.  We all know about this so why does it keep happening?  The whole reason we create resolutions in the first place is to better ourselves, right?  But with betterment comes change, and with change comes process, and with process comes time… so you get the gist… we fear the process and make excuses for our inability to commit.  I recently heard someone say that an excuse is just a very well crafted lie.  That kind of took me by surprise!  Sounds harsh right?  Well it is!  But honestly what better way to get us off our butts than a little harsh reality check.  The choice is yours this year - do you want to keep running in the hamster wheel of resolution failure or do you want to chart a different course - one with growth, renewal and success?

Hopefully you’re still reading this which means you choose door number 2 and want to meet your resolutions head on and fight to achieve them!  To that I say welcome aboard and it’s going to be a fun ride!  

Let me pause for a second to introduce myself and my mission for this year.  My name is Becky Jennings - I’m a wife, fitness fanatic, foodie, personal trainer, nutrition coach, and online fitness coach.  I’m also a dreamer, a planner, a doer, and someone with a lot of heart who just wants to help!  I attempted blogging last year and I loved it.  I got great feedback and it felt great to be vulnerable and journal my experiences.  But like many activities that better a person, it took time and I found excuses not to do it.  But not this year!  This year I will walk you through my journey to reach my resolutions.  I’m sure many of mine are similar to yours and so I hope you’ll find some nuggets of wisdom here.  

I’m here to help you create a NEW pattern so that our dreams and goals DO become our reality.  I read something recently from Brendon Burcahrd who said “Reality is bendable to our will.”  Let me say that again in a different way.  Whatever we want our lives to be - our reality to be - we can create it.  It is up to us and no one else to create our own reality!  

So right this minute we’ve given ourselves back the power to create our future.  Here is how I plan on shaping my 2015 to match my desired reality.   Now here is the fun part (well I’m calling it fun because scary doesn’t sound as motivating and I’m taking steps to  create my reality)!  I’m going to share my resolutions with you and how I plan on making them my reality! 

  1. This year I want to double my income.  I say that EVERY year.  Being my own boss it’s up to me to generate my leads, customers, and revenue.  So every year I say to myself “This year I’m going to double my income!”  And each year I am within $5-10K of exactly where I was the last year.  But not THIS year!  This year I plan on doubling it!  How am I going to do that?  I’m going to get rid of the bad habits and replace them with good habits.  On my off time I’m not going to run useless errands, scroll the internet, or watch TV.  On my off time I’m going to build my online fitness business.  I’m going to devote my time outside of the gym to reaching anyone and everyone who wants nutrition and fitness guidance.  My reach can be national and I’m going to make sure it is!   
  2. I’m going to take back my day!  Yup you heard me!  No more hijacked days where I end up doing everything everyone else needs before getting to what I need.  It might sound selfish but I can’t be good to anyone unless I am good to myself.  So I am going to organize my day and execute the tasks during that block of time and then move on to the next.  When I’m in the role of personal trainer I’m going to focus my attention strictly on personal training.  When I’m with my husband I am going to solely focus on being with my husband.  This year I plan on ridding myself of distractions so I can be present in the moments of my life.
  3. I will set myself up for financial success!  This year I saved 10% of everything I made.   In 2015 I have set a goal of saving 30% of everything that I bring in!  It sounds big but I didn’t miss that 10% at all.  It became a habit of taking that money out of my checks and putting it into savings.  So why not take it up a notch?  This year 30% of everything I make will be put into  savings and investments.  I want to know my future is being build as I build my current reality!  
  4. And lastly I want to abolish negative thought.  This one is wide spread!  From the negative thoughts in my own head to what people are saying about themselves or others to what I hear on the news.  This year is about putting positivity out in the world and moving away from negative thoughts.  It’s SO easy to get caught up in the tragedy and stress of this world.  But being absorbed in this world brings absolutely no benefit to the body or soul.  Instead of listening to the news in the car I’ll listen to a great book or music that pumps me up!  When someone mentions all the bad that’s going on I’ll ask them to find something good (my dad did this to me ALL the time when I was an angst ridden teenager).  And when I say something negative about myself or get down on myself I will change the course of my thoughts and give myself a compliment.  When I get in a fight with my husband I will do everything in my power to stop myself and tell him why I love him.  

It is my hope and purpose this year to better myself.  And throughout this year I will share how I’m doing that!  It could be a workout or recipe that fuels the body and revs up my metabolism; a book that brought me great joy; a trip or destination that filled me back up and relaxed my mind; or simply a quote I picked up that made me stop and reflect on if I’m living my best life.  

I leave you with this on my first post!  Happy New Year, what a wonderful year this will be. Now let’s go out there and better ourselves. Because a better us makes a better world. 

