“Mirror Mirror on the wall…." We all remember this moment right?  The evil Queen goes to the mirror and asks, "Who is the fairest one of all?” She is desperate for this validation because her world is falling apart due to Snow …

“Mirror Mirror on the wall…." 

We all remember this moment right?  The evil Queen goes to the mirror and asks, "Who is the fairest one of all?” She is desperate for this validation because her world is falling apart due to Snow White.  She failed to acknowledge that her world was falling apart because of the seeds she had sown in her past and really had nothing to do with Snow White.  

Erica Jong says, “Take your life in your own hands and what happens? A terrible thing: no one is to blame.”  The evil Queen was 100% responsible for her past and present actions.  There was no one else to blame for her demise.   You might be wondering, “How does this relate to my life Becky?”  Well, we have a tendency to define our current life by our past struggles.  How often have you heard someone say, “I can’t lose weight! I’ve tried every diet. I’ve been heavy since I was a kid!”  Or what about a toxic relationship? The person feels like they can’t get out because who would they be without this person? They stay no matter how destructive the relationship. 

Living into your future is not an easy task!  It requires that you show up as the person you WANT to be on a minute by minute basis.  If you’re 250 pounds but want to be 150 pounds you have to LIVE each day as if you were that 150 pound person!  You have to take on the habits of a person who is 150 pounds.   We need to rewire our brains and stop living with a victim mentality.  Our past is our past and thank God it’s IN the past!  It has absolutely no control over our  desired future!  Don’t live your current life through the fog of your past life.  We need to define who we are today and who we want to become.  Think of who you want to be and how you want to show up in this world!  Write these words down!  This is you!  Live it…live into it…be it!  You deserve the life of your dreams. 

Focus on the destination not the difficulty!

There are some quotes that just stick with me!  A quote can literally motivate me to get up and workout, start a new business, take a road trip, and look fear in the face and keep going! I believe that words can create action and when we take action we are truly living the life we were meant to live! 

I just finished reading Grant Cardone’s latest book called The 10x Rule and while it’s incredibly intense, he makes a lot of really important points.  A lot of what he says smacks you across the face and is pretty harsh, but one of these harsh realities he shared was simply too perfect not to expand on! He said, “Focus on the destination not the difficultly.”  

Think about that for a second. So many of us go through life making excuses about why we aren’t doing what we want to do because of the perceived  difficulty we will face.  What we are saying to ourselves is that our dreams, goals, and the vision we have for our lives are not important enough to fight through the difficult times.  Do we want to get to the end of our lives with this regret?  I certainly don’t! 

What’s the alternative? The alternative is to dig in and go for it!  If it scares you then you must be doing something right!  Imagine if you lived your life with blinders on just trudging on towards your goals!  Imagine if you knew your goals and dreams were so important you would stop at nothing to attain them.  Wrap yourself in the feeling you’ll have when you reach these goals!  We are all put on this planet to do something amazing!  What is your amazing?  

Don’t wait another moment. Write down your dream life, your goals, the vision you have for your life!  Read it over and over every single day as you keep pushing towards this goal!  And stop at nothing to reach them because you deserve to live that incredible life!