Belly Breathing Progression [Video Included]

I might sound like a broken record when it comes to diaphragmatic breathing but it's because it's that important to your pregnancy and beyond!!

Having control over your core musculature during your pregnancy can save you from many issues including but not limited to:

Postural Imbalances
Hip Pain
Back Pain
Challenging Labor and Delivery
Diastasis Recti

And more! 

Thats why no matter where you are in your pregnancy it's important to invest the time in your diaphragmatic breathing practice. 

I'm going to keep this blog super short so you can get right too it!!!  Here is a video that will walk you through the progression of how to master your breath in each position. Start seated (or even lying on your back if you feel comfortable doing that pregnant) and work your way up until you are able to perform the breath well in each position.

If you have any questions please reach out and I can help you! 

Also if you haven't joined my private Facebook community jump in here!